Saturday, 24 November 2007

Slurl HUD

One item that I found very useful, is a hud that you attach that can send a Slurl directly to a designated email address.

There is a notepad included explaining how to set it up and once working can send landmarks of places you have visited to your email address and from there you can copy and paste them into your blog.

By CodeBastard Redrave -
Optimal Prim Corporation

This script is FREE SOFTWARE.
DO NOT: Sell this script or remove the credits and comments.
DO: Give away, copy and distribute freely.

Pretty easy:

1. Wear the HUD
2, Edit it using the Build button
3. In the Contents tab, edit the Notecard called emailcard
4. Remove the example and add your own email adress
5. Quit the Build mode
6 . Edit the script and RESET it for the changes in the notecard to be taken in effect

You're all set!

Just click on the HUD. Emails are delayed 2 minutes.


The infamous SLURL HUD (created by CodeBastard Redgrave) is now avaliable to the public for free!

To pick up a copy teleport to

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